Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Well hi there Reader, whomever you may be. I decided I should probably make a post to make this page look less empty, so here we go.

(If you're expecting a very formal post then I'd suggest stopping around the first paragraph of my self-introduction.)

This is a blog for documenting my amazing adventures with the AFS Student Exchange Program, which I am currently in the process of applying for. And, um...well, there's really not much more to post here is there? (Looking back at this line there totally was a lot more to say, sorry for misleading you for a split second there.)


A little about myself:

My name is Amelia Merritt and I'm hoping to get accepted into the Japanese year (well, 10 months, close enough)-long program with AFS, though it's recently come to my attention that I'm a little late in the game here and I'm a little worried about that, eurgh.

I'm from Oklahoma and have lived there all my life, so I really feel like it would be good for me to go out and see the world. I mean, I've experienced what I can through books and movies and comics and the Internet and...everything I could get my hands on, really, but that is like 1% of what's out there. I may be applying to go to Japan, but that's just one of the countries on my list. Literally, I have a list. There are...40 countries on it so far, and I don't care what people say I can't do, I'm raising money and at the very least visiting all of them.

"40 countries? That's a lot! Why Japan, then?" I'm assuming you're thinking, even though many of you probably aren't. (I'm just gonna go ahead and put right here that I accidentally closed my browser just now while typing this and Blogger totally saved everything this was a fantastic blogging recommendation AFS I thank you.) Well, I've been interested in Japanese things since I was like...well...I don't actually know, but it was 7 or younger, so kind of a long time. And that interest grew and morphed into something weird and unrecognizable that I suppose you could call an obsession if that word didn't have such negative connotation.

So, when I came to a low point in my life where I was obstructed by The Powers That Be from challenging myself, I of course spent a couple days (okay maybe more) moping about it because well it really sucked. I'm still a little sour about it actually. But then I decided that I could either mope about it forever, or I could not let school get in the way of my education and go challenge my amazing little brain somewhere else. So what did I choose? If you said AFS, then congratulations, you've learned how to use basic reasoning!

Soooo...yeah. I'm really looking forward to. Uh well everything actually. There's a video game coming out, and a comic book that I really want, and hopefully this one webcomic will start updating soon, but, you know, since this is my AFS blog I'm assuming you'd rather me talk about how excited I am for that.

I am really excited.


I was going to use the word "infinitesimally" but I just looked it up and that means something really /small/ and not what I thought so, I am...the opposite of infinitesimally excited about this.

Not to say I'm not nervous to the point of jitters about all the stuff that I'm going to have to go through, but sometimes I get nervous when I'm about to order from McDonald's so I'm pretty sure I'm going to be fine.

So, wish me luck, anyone who happens to read this.


--Amelia Merritt

(no really)

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